Teachers from the department of human resources attended the 2019 annual meeting of hubei human resources association

Net news (reporter Yuan Shengli) on November 24, Evergrande school of management in wuhan university of science and technology school held in hubei province human resources association annual meeting in 2019, our school human resource management department Yuan Sheng associate professor, professor li, professor FuGuRong, xiao-ming fu and Shao Danping teachers attended the annual meeting, and in group discussions, interactive link to actively participate in the meeting to discuss and exchange.

"This year the annual meeting of the new era and new journey: human resources management innovation and development" theme, the participating experts on leadership effectiveness and employee behavior management, individual behavior and effectiveness management, organizational behavior and management, human resources management innovation and development in areas such as academic question for group discussion, the conference report link with teaching link, the professor association jian-qiao liao and other experts to share their experience in human resources management teaching and academic research in leadership and talent introduction.

The participants generally reported that this year's annual conference was rich in content and compact in agenda. They not only learned the latest academic trends in organizational behavior and human resources, but also gained a lot of valuable experience in how to effectively carry out human resources teaching, how to carry out enterprise training and horizontal subject research.