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The third session of the Mingbian Tax Forum was held successfully

  On the afternoon of October 7, 2022, Prof. Wang Baoshun from the School of Finance and Taxation of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law was invited to participate in the third Mingbian Finance and Taxation Forum. With the theme of The Impact of Digital Economy on National Tax System, Prof. Wang shared the preliminary results of the National Social Science Foundation project he chaired. The forum was hosted by Tao Dongjie, the head of the Department of Finance and Taxation, and attended by teachers, graduate students and undergraduates of the Department of Finance and Taxation.

  Professor Wang Baoshun firstly explained the latest interpretation and definition of digital economy from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, State Administration of Taxation, National Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and shared his own understanding of digital economy. He believed that the era of digital economy has come and the impact on the tax system is inevitable. It is necessary to rethink the choice of tax system in the digital economy from the underlying philosophy and logic of taxation. Professor Wang also shared his latest research on digital collections. During the forum, students and faculty members had in-depth discussions on VAT reform, income tax reform and digital taxation in China.