Talking about the Integration of Disciplines and Conspiring for Academic Innovation

    On the afternoon of December 28, in the conference room of the College of Journalism and Communication, Professor Li Hongyan, Dr. Song Ying and Dr. Tang Jianyu, Vice President of the College of Information and Communication Engineering of our school, gave a lecture and held a discussion on "Artificial Intelligence and Journalism and Communication". Twelve doctors from the College of Journalism and Communication participated in the activity.


    Professors and doctors from both houses asked each other questions and discussions on issues such as discipline construction, academic research and teaching innovation to find points of agreement. The both sides talked warmly and the atmosphere was lively.


    Everyone agrees that in the new era when new technologies such as "5G, artificial intelligence and block chain" are fully applied, it is of great significance to interdisciplinary and professional integration. The "College of Journalism and Communication" and the "College of Information and Communication Engineering" support each other and borrow from each other in academic innovation and teaching innovation to tackle key problems, which will be conducive to the construction of new liberal arts and new engineering.