Our teachers are invited to visit the University of Waikato, New Zealand (3)

  In February, Li Chenxi, an animation teacher, was invited to visit the University of Waikato in Hamilton, New Zealand.

  In July, Miss Li Chenxi went to Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, to visit the world's leading film and television production company, the Vita Company, a film known to Chinese audiences as "Lord of the Rings," King Kong, " Special effects for films such as Avatar are made in New Zealand, and many new film technologies, such as performance capture, are developed in New Zealand. New Zealand film science and technology lead to its film and television education avantgarde, each university will special effects, animation, interactive technology into the teaching of the latest achievements in time, to maintain its film and television education in the world leading position.


The Model of TV Series fixed Animation < Thunderbirds > scene


  Under the influence of the New Zealand film and television industry, the teaching concept of Waida film and television course is very forward-looking, and it is positioned to let students understand the traditional film and television theory deeply at the same time. Learn to use flexible thinking and diversified methods to create film and television under the background of "new media" era. Based on this goal, the curriculum not only offers traditional courses such as shooting, editing and synthesizing, but also offers new technology courses such as virtual reality, (Virtual Reality), interactive (Interactive Media Design) and so on, which lead to the development direction of future movies.

  In the classroom of Waikato University, teachers timely demonstrate the new world in virtual space, which makes students realize the infinite possibility that virtual reality technology brings to modern film creation. In the laboratory, where the equipment is constantly updated, teachers reform the traditional theory through various experiments, compile the teaching materials by summarizing the results, and make the teaching contents keep up with the rhythm of the progress of film science and technology in time.

  In the classroom of Waikato University, teachers timely demonstrate the new world in virtual space, which makes students realize the infinite possibility that virtual reality technology brings to modern film creation. In the laboratory, where the equipment is constantly updated, teachers reform the traditional theory through various experiments, compile the teaching materials by summarizing the results, and make the teaching contents keep up with the rhythm of the progress of film science and technology in time.

  The application of interactive technology in film and television gradually blurs the boundary between film and game, and forms a more dynamic and more interesting film watching experience. Observe all the film and television classes at Waikato University, and the idea of New Media runs through it all the time.

  Film and TV courses are widely used in teaching. It is mainly embodied in three modes: site teaching (station teaching), teachers and observers exchange teaching (one teacher and one observer), teachers and teaching assistants collaborative teaching (one teacher and one assist). In the site-style teaching model, the teachers who teach the same course decompose the teaching contents according to the syllabus, and each undertake the explanation of some chapters, and the stations on the students' learning journey. The point is led by different teachers. It is advantageous to bring into play the expertise of each teacher. Teachers often choose the right content to introduce to their students in published quality courses or celebrity speeches.

  At Huai University, almost every class is required to write a similar design paper, (commentary), and students accumulate a considerable amount of written records for themselves, from entry to graduation. By contrast, thesis writing is a very high learning method.

  Taking a comprehensive view of a set of comprehensive inspection methods described above, the system means a large amount of work for teachers, but with the help of a highly efficient Moodle educational administration system, teachers can easily master it. Each teacher's management system has its own functional emphasis, which fully reflects the flexible and efficient individualized teaching management.