Vice President Delegation from Massey University (New Zealand) visited


On June 28th, Theodore E. (Ted) Zorn, vice president of Massey University (New Zealand), and his delegation visited our university. Our vice President He Huigang met the guests, accompanied by heads from relevant departments.


He Huigang extended a warm welcome to the visiting delegation, and introduced to them the strengths of our university from its history, school-running, discipline framework, professional cultivation, faculty research and international exchanges, etc. He pointed out many potential cooperation opportunities between Massey University and our university in the field of accounting, management and business. He expressed his hope and confidence in future bilateral collaboration.


Vice president Zorn thanked for our warm reception. He introduced Massey University from the location, school management, programs setting, international communications, and the current curriculums and cooperation modes of its business school in particular. He expressed his wish of establishing partnership with our university.


Later at the meeting, two parties further exchanged views on 1+1+1 joint postgraduate education, 3+1+1, 3+1+1.5 bachelor plus master cooperative programs, distant course learning, short-term exchanges of students and faculties, and reached a preliminary consensus. Two universities planed to sign the MOU in the near future.