DIP Education

Main Courses

  Course Name: The Outline of Modern and Contemporary History of China



  First, the course aims to guide the students to understand national conditions of modern China, reviewing the tough course of the modernization of the Chinese, comprehending profoundly the validity that Chinese people select Marxism , Communist Party of China and socialist system by teaching the outline history of Chinese people’s resisting foreign aggression to strive for national independence from the mid﹣nineteenth century.

  Second, the another gist of the course is to expound the road confidence, the theory confidence and the system confidence on the Socialism with Chinese Characters, deducing the probability, necessity and reality of China Dream of the Chinese People by looking back upon landslide achievement of the socialist construction and the period of reform and openness since new China has been established.

  Textbook: The History of China, authors: Zhang Qizhi. Higher Education Press 2001.ISBN 7-04-008894-0

  Course Name: Contemporary World Economy and Politic



  The course follows on the developing and changing of the world’s economy ,politics and international relations. It introduces about and researches on the economy ,politics and foreign strategies of different types of countries such as the advanced capitalist countries ,the developing countries and the socialist countries and so on and detailed studies on the developing and changing of China’s international standing , China’s ideology of foreign strategies and external relations. The aim of setting the course is to educate the students about the Marxism concerning about the basic theory of world’s economy and politics, Deng Xiaoping’s idea of the international strategy .It also aims to convey the new leaders’ important statements on the current international problems and China’s foreign policies .This course makes the students observe the world by using these theories ,Views and methods correctly ,understand and grasp evolution ,developing trend ,features and the main problems facing of the contemporary world economy ,politics and international relations.

  Course Name: Ideological and Moral Cultivation



  It is a compulsory course of ideological and political theories catering to four-year undergraduates in regular institutions of higher education. Guided by Marxism-Leninism, Maoism, Deng Xiaoping Theory and “Three Represents” Theory, the course comprehensively embodies the scientific outlook on development; carry out the education on life, value and morality system of Marxism with the focus on problems arising during the growth of students; lead students to establish lofty ideal, cultivate good tastes, conform to and inherit the traditional morality, acknowledge and develop innovative spirit of reform and development, establish noble moral character, scientific value standard and correct behavior code, laying solid foundation of moral and legal cultivation for the students to become a qualified constructor and reliable successor for socialist cause. The course mainly covers adaption to college life, ideal & faith, patriotism, outlook on life, collectivism, civility, morality cultivation, outlook on job-seeking, etc.

  Course Name: The Basic Principles of Marxism

  Credits: 2


  The curriculum is comprehensive and systematic introduction to basic Marxist stand, viewpoints and methods, both the world outlook and methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, Marxist labor theory of value and the theory of surplus value. This course reflects the Marxism to guide our thinking and action guide scientific era, but also has practical relevance. It is the basic theory of college students to learn Marxism, which helps improve their ideological cultivation.

  Textbook: The Introductions to the Basic Principles of Marxism, authors: The author group,ISBN 978-7-04-029983-0

  Course Name: Politics

  Credits: 4


  This course is a compulsory subject in college education, which puts emphasis on improving students in politics. The instructional objectives are to provide college students with political theories, Chinese basic systems in politics, economy, culture and society and overall development model; to improve their ability of analyzing and solving problems from political stand, viewpoints and methods; to improve their political quality and help them to establish their ideals and beliefs of achieving the Chinese nation’s bright prospect on the road to revival so as to actively participate in the practice of building a well-off society in an all-round way.

  Textbook: General Introduction to Mao Zedong Thoughts and Basic Theory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, authors: Book editorial group; Beijing, Higher Education Press. ISBN: 978-7-04-029984-7.