Excellent works exhibition of visual communication design

At 10:00 a.m. on December 14, 2020, the excellent works exhibition of visual communication design major course of the College of art and design opened in the island Art Museum.

This exhibition is a joint exhibition of film and television advertising design, packaging design and photography. From the students' works, we can see the teachers' in-depth thinking and active exploration of teaching optimization and reform. For example, as a famous teacher at the school level, ye Jinsong introduced cutting-edge concepts and technologies in the film and television advertising design course, taking the popular public shooting vlog short video as the form, Let the students find the pleasure of food and find the beauty of the academy, which has practical guiding significance; Mr. Deng Dong introduced the competition topic in the teaching of packaging design, and used illustration to present the visual design of packaging; Mr. Li Peng guided the students to combine photography with other art forms and express their thoughts with photography eyes, and students also expressed their ideas with creative photography works I think about mobile phone and real life.

The whole exhibition will last for three weeks, and teachers and students will jointly build an exhibition gallery showing the art of visual communication design. (contributed by Feng Jin)
