Teachers from the Marketing Department of our school participated in the special study on "International Core Journal Paper Writing and Research Method Design"

To comprehensively promote and implement the construction of national first-class marketing majors and improve the level of first-class teaching staff. The Marketing Department organized teachers to participate in a special study on "International Core Journal Paper Writing and Research Method Design", led by renowned scholar Professor Chi Wenhai.

Teachers such as Huang Zhiyi, the Director of the Marketing Department, Li Xiumei, Vice Director of the Department, Associate Professor Wu Yuping, and Dr. Li Gen attended the entire conference, carefully listening to Professor Chi's explanation and actively participating in the interaction. Professor Chi Wenhai explains in simple terms how to pay attention to scientific research trends and grasp the trend of international journal publication in the field of marketing. He shared his rich research experience on how to use statistical analysis to select appropriate research methods for research design and analysis. After the meeting, the teachers also took the initiative to write logs, further deepening their understanding of the key links in the writing, research design, statistical application, and publication process of international core journals in the field of marketing. This training is of great significance for improving teachers' paper writing skills, enhancing their global perspective, and promoting the level of first-class teaching staff. Teachers have benefited greatly from it.

Professor Chi Wenhai holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management Systems from Arizona State University in the United States. He is currently a professor in the Department of Enterprise Management at Donghua University in Taiwan and has been appointed as a lifetime honorary professor at Taipei University of Commerce. His research areas include E-Commerce, Virtual Community, Social Media, Social Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Services Marketing. Throughout the year, he has published in top international journals such as International Journal of Information Management, International Journal of Consumer Studies, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Service Management, Service Industries Journal, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, and Internet Research, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Industrial Management&Data Systems, Cybertaxonomy, Behavior, and Social Networking, Industrial Marketing Management, Managing Service Quality, International Journal of Conflict Management, Information Technology&People, Online Information Review, Journal of e-Business, Journal of Management and Business Research, Management Review, NTU Management Review, and Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers published over 120 high-level academic papers, H-index 16. This special training has improved the level of first-class teaching staff and played a promoting role in the high-quality development of national first-class majors.