Professor Li Guofang, Canada Research Chair in Transnational/Global Language and Literacy Education for Children and Youth, CAD 1,400,000.00 Funded, attended a seminar with top members from the academic teams of SFL, as one of the scholars of “Chu Tian Scholars Program” sponsored by Hubei Provincial Government. The seminar was hosted by He Mingxia, dean of SFL, HBUE.
After the demonstration and reporting of projects undertaken by the team members, Li gave detailed answers to their questions on application for national projects, academic papers publishing on international journals and treatise writing. Also, Li shared her experience of academic researches and emphasized the importance of literature review in paper writing. She pointed out that hidden problems could be detected and scientific research methods could be applied only on the basis of profound reading and careful analysis, which could pave a solid way for research object, method (especially those of data collection and analysis), theoretical support and result.
Professor Li hoped that she could make contributions to the following fields, such as improvement of scientific research ability of the SFL teachers, the construction of research team and international academic exchanges of SFL by such flexible ways as individual guidance, discussion, workshops and lectures, etc.