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HBUE successfully been approved by the National Scholarship Council for the two local innovation sub-projects of the local cooperation project


    Recently, the National Scholarship Council announced the list of projects funded by the local innovation sub-project of the 2023 local cooperation project. The international cooperation project of innovative talents Big Data and Artificial Intelligence jointly declared by our university, Hubei University of Technology and Wuhan University of Science and Technology, and the international cooperation project of innovative talents Nourish heart with literature, and cultivate sentiment with art jointly declared by our university, Wuhan Conservatory of Music, Hubei Normal University and Hubei Second Normal College were successfully approved. And they are the first batch of local innovation sub-projects of the National Scholarship Council in Hubei Province.

    It is reported that a total of 9 universities were successfully approved for the local innovation sub-project of the local cooperation project in 2023.