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Vice President of Northwood University visited


On 21st of September 2018,Dr. Mamiko Reeves, Vice President that charges of International Affairs at Northwood University, visited our school.President Dong Shijie, Vice President He Huigang, and heads of Teaching Affairs office, International Exchange & Cooperation Department, school of economics and trade, school of business administration attended the meeting.


President Dong Shijie warmly welcomed Dr. Mamiko Reeves, and briefly introduced the situation of our school.President Dong said that Hubei university of economics is striving towards a high-level university of finance and economics. He hoped that through such close communication, the cooperation between the two universities could be further promoted, and the two universities could learn from each other through common goals. He hoped that the Sino-Us cooperation project between the two universities would go smoothly.


Dr. Mamiko Reeves expressed his gratitude for the warm reception of our school. She introduced Northwood University from the aspects of its development status and subject setting. Northwood University attached great importance to cooperation with our university. They hoped that in the future, we can continue to deepen exchanges in faculty and student visits through Sino-US cooperation, so as to promote the common development of the two universities.


During the talks, President He and Dr. Mamiko Reeves discussed program details and reached consensus on the joint education projects in the specialty of international business and logistics management.