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Vice Chancellor from Auburn University at Montgomery visited HBUE


On November 11th, Ms. Carolyn Campbell-Golden, Vice Chancellor of Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) and her delegation visited our university. Our President Qi Laying and Vice President He Huigang welcomed the guests.


Our American guests, accompanied by He Huigang, met with the 2016 cohort of students from the Sino-US joint education program on Information Management and Information System. Ms. Campbell-Golden and her delegation brought T-shirts with the Auburn University at Montgomery (AUM) Logo on them for the new students.


After Ms. Campbell-Golden and her delegation took pictures with the staff and students, He Huigang made a speech in which he warmly welcomed the AUM delegation. He Huigang also expressed his requirements and wishes to the freshmen students. Stating; “he hoped students can change their concept of learning, make future study plans, improve their aptitude for learning English, gain professional knowledge, enhance their comprehensive quality, and ultimately improve their international competitiveness”.


Ms. Campbell-Golden congratulated the students for entering into this joint education program and for their successful enrollment in Auburn University at Montgomery.


Later, during the interactive session, Ms. Campbell-Golden played a series of videos recorded by the first cohort of students who arrived at AUM in September. In these videos the students talked about their lives and studies at AUM. Ms. Campbell-Golden then answered questions from the 2016 cohort of students on topics such as facilities, student safety and accommodations at AUM.


The meeting was presided over by Jiang Guoyin, dean of the School of Information Engineering and Statistics. After the meeting the delegation toured our university.