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Dr. Sergey Tyulenev and Dr. Zheng Binghan visited and gave lectures in HBUE


From March 31 to April 10, Dr. Sergey Tyulenev and Dr. Zheng Binghan of Durham University came to HBUE to carry out a series of academic exchanges via World-renowned Scientists in Hubei” Program.

Dr. Sergey Tyulenev and Dr. Zheng Binghan introduced the latest achievements of translation and translation studies in the context of artificial intelligence and sociological theory in the form of lectures, seminars and exchanges, which helped teachers and students broaden their academic horizons and grasp the academic frontiers. This activity is funded by the project of World-renowned Scientists in Hubei Program of Hubei Provincial Department of Education. The School of Foreign Languages makes full use of the opportunities of exchanges with internationally renowned scholars by organizing relevant professional lectures and seminars among Chinese faculties and students.

Dr. Sergey Tyulenev, Ph.D. in translation, graduated from Moscow National University, University of Ottawa, Canada, and post-doctoral fellow of Cambridge University, UK, is currently Director of the Master Program of the Translation Center of Modern Language and Culture at Durham University, UK. Dr. Sergey Tyulenev is a well-known expert in translation theory, translation sociology, Russian translation history and other relevant fields.

Dr.Zheng Binghan, Associate Professor the Translation Center of Modern Language and Culture at Durham University, UK, Director of Intercultural Research Center, and Doctoral Tutor of Translation and Linguistics, Member of the British Institute of Research and Innovation, Academician of Churchill College, Cambridge University. He is currently the Chairman of the Exchange and Cooperation Committee of the World Association for Translation Education and was the former Chairman of the British Chinese Language Teaching Research Association (2012-2016).