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Li Yuwei Honored as “Outstanding Student with Righteous Behavior” by HBUE


Li Yuwei Honored as “Outstanding Student with Righteous Behavior” by HBUE


  On December 5th, Li Yuwei, a student from E-commerce Q1141 class in SchoolofInformation Managementwas honored as “Outstanding Student with Righteous Behavior” by HBUE.

  On August 22nd, Li Yuwei, lived inGuideTowninQinghaiProvince, was swimming in theYellow River. He ran into three drowning children and saved two (one drowned) by using the first aid knowledge learnt at school. He declined their parents’ rewards and remained in a low profile. Not until our university received a certificate and thank-you letter respectively from the local police station and the rescued families was his courageous deed known by all.

  On December 3rd, the university YCL awarded Li Yuwei the honorable title “Excellent League Member”.