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Foreign Teacher Orientation for New Academic Year was Held at the School


On September 8th, our university held an orientation meeting for all of our foreign English teachers. The Heads of The International Exchange & Cooperation Department, The Academic Affairs Department, The School of Foreign Languages and The School of Tourism and Hospitality Management all took part in the meeting.


Wang Hong, director of The International Exchange & Cooperation Department, began the meeting by extended a warm welcome to all of the teachers who had come from far away. She briefly introduced the school's history and management. Wang Hong then stressed the openness of this university to international knowledge andthe importance of recruiting foreign teachers to help with this. She also said, the foreign teachers can help with the school’s continual goals of; improving teaching quality, widening students’ international perspectives and promoting international competitiveness.


He MingXia, Dean of The School of Foreign Languages, also expressed a warm welcome to the foreign teachers. She hopes that the Chinese teachers and foreign teachers can work together, in an international setting, to share ideas and information on how to change teaching methods, improve quality and ultimately improve the level of education this school provides.


Next, Xiao Jiahui from The International Exchange and Cooperation Department and Dan Jin from The School of Foreign Languages discussed the school’s regulations for the foreign teachers.


As a representative for the foreign teachers, American, Travis Bowe said it's his second year teaching in HBUE. In the last year he had witnessed the effort HBUE has made to improve foreign teachers’ working and living standard and that’s why he has chosen to continue teaching here. He also hopes that the new teachers will love this university and work hard in order to contribute to the students' personal and intellectual growth.


As Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, Wang Hong and He MingXia gave mooncakes as festival gifts to the foreign teachers, wishing them a happy stay in our university. American teacher, Franklin also gave gifts to the school on behalf of all the foreign teachers.


This year, we are proud to say the university has employed 6 foreign English teachers hailing from across the globe. We have 3 from the USA, 2 from Ireland and 1 Jamaica. All of these teachers bring with them a wealth of teaching experience from teaching in China and some from teaching overseas.